T&P Trucking, Ltd.


Attracting Millennials to Trucking

Categories: Articles

“What do you want to be when you grow up?”. We have probably all been asked that at some point in our life.
Can you think back to what your answer was? Was it to be a truck driver? Maybe, but we doubt it. Long haul trucking is not something many kids think of as a future job.

Why would someone want to be a truck driver? Freedom from the office? Higher earnings? Being your own boss? These sound like great reasons to us, yet there are many trucking companies that are facing the growing struggle of attracting millennials to the trucking industry. Let’s see why and what each trucking company can do to change that.

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Do Truck Drivers Need More Training?

Categories: News

You’ve likely seen a semi truck making a tight turn or difficult maneuver, and think “Wow, those drivers are skilled. They must have a lot of training!” True, there are thousands of trained, experienced, and professional truck drivers. But is this always the case?
The findings of this CBC News investigation may surprise you.

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The ELD Topic

Categories: News
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Most of us get excited when a new phone is released or about cool updates in the tech world. But how do you feel when new technology can impact your wages? The technology on many of our minds is the electronic logging devices. While some think they will help productivity, others feel as though they will cut into wages. We look at both sides of the battle, and you can choose your own victor.

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Looking Back at 2015

Categories: Articles, Showcase

As we move forward into this new year we can’t help but look back at 2015 with appreciation over what we have achieved. We faced many challenges during 2015, but along with these challenges came opportunities. Let’s look back over the past year to see what it looked like, so that we can understand the challenges and appreciate the opportunities that came from them. Reflecting on these prepares us for what we may face during the rest of this year. What were some of these challenges, opportunities and statistics? What opportunities do we expect for the coming year?

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Substance Awareness: Alcohol

Categories: Articles

While most of us enjoy ending our day with an icy mug of golden ale, wine or a glass of scotch whiskey – we may be hesitant to compare ourselves to an alcoholic. After all, we aren’t the binge drinking, keg standing college students that we see in movies. But are we in danger of going from a celebratory drink to wondering where all these empty bottles came from?

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