T&P Trucking, Ltd.

Holiday Hours

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Remembrance Day is a Canadian Federal Statutory Holiday and is observed to commemorate and remember those that died during the battles of the First World War during the years 1914-1919.

Our office will be closed that day, with the exception of Effie Dotchuk and Elise Wehren who will be working to provide support to the drivers and customers that are working in the USA.

Here is their contact information:

Photo of Effie Dotchuk
Effie Dotchuk
Sales Rep, CSR
+1 (800) 668-1325 Ext # 1255
[email protected]
Photo of Elise Wehren
Elise Wehren
+1 (800) 668-1325 Ext # 1258
[email protected]

Thank you and enjoy your holiday!


Sam Pattison