T&P Trucking, Ltd.


C-TPAT Training

Categories: Events, Showcase

We all know how the world changed after the September 2001 terrorist attacks. If you’ve vacationed across the border lately, you no doubt noticed all the layers of security in place. But what about the constant movement of cargo travelling across the border? How do we know the goods we move haven’t been compromised of brought across illegally? This is where C-TPAT comes into play.

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Technology and Your Eyes

Categories: Articles

With the ever advancing technological world we live in, there is barely a gap during the day that doesn’t involve looking at some type of electronic screen. When we check the news online at home before work, make a choice from the TV menu screens at McDonalds, even checking the latest Instagram feeds on our lunch break – there is always some form of screen put before us. While some of these seem and may very well be a necessity, WE ARE AT RISK.

That may sound somewhat intense. What exactly are we at risk from? Too much Instagram? Are we going to die from looking at our phones? If anything, I feel like I’d die without looking at it. Is there truly a need for preventative measures against our tech devices?

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Disaster Preparedness

Categories: Articles

Emergencies come in all shapes and forms and can require a wide variety of responses. From a blown out tire on our highway travels during winter to a class 3 hurricane, we should be prepared and know what to do.

Every disaster requires a different set of skills and supplies to survive it. While you can’t carry around a big suitcase everywhere you go, there are still ways that you can be prepared for a multitude of different scenarios. Here are some simple steps that will help you to be prepared in the event of an emergency.

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Substance Awareness: Alcohol

Categories: Articles

While most of us enjoy ending our day with an icy mug of golden ale, wine or a glass of scotch whiskey – we may be hesitant to compare ourselves to an alcoholic. After all, we aren’t the binge drinking, keg standing college students that we see in movies. But are we in danger of going from a celebratory drink to wondering where all these empty bottles came from?

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